Dear Karen - How’s it going?

Dear Karen, How’s it going?

It’s been over a year since I decided to publicly share the story of my eating disorder.  I was nervous and scared to hit “publish” but since doing so, I honestly wish it was something I had done much sooner.

This coming week is Eating Disorders Awareness Week and I want to take this opportunity to include my voice in the theme of strength through experience and knowledge.

Sharing my story hasn’t been easy, but each time I post and share, I’m overwhelmed with the response from people who have taken time to read and respond to me.

Ultimately, I wanted to remove the stigma about eating disorders while providing some truth behind them.  I wanted to be a voice of positivity and support for anyone suffering what I experienced in my twenties.

As Susan Burton wrote in her book, Empty, “The fact that I was ashamed of my own story was among the reasons I finally decided to tell it.”

This week, I’ll be sharing more of my story.  About why I want to share it.  Some lessons I’ve learned since reflecting back to that dark time.  And also what I’ve learned since writing about my experience then and now. You can follow along on instagram or facebook @ne360fitness.

I’ll also be sharing some facts about eating disorders that I imagine will surprise you.

It’s time for a change and I’m ready to be part of it.

If you are suffering from an eating disorder or know someone who is, please don’t wait to check out helpful resources.  If you’re hurting, I encourage you to find someone you can talk to.  Click on this link for additional resources that can help.

If you want to help someone and aren’t sure what to say - don’t say anything.  Just listen without judgment.

Let’s change the narrative and eliminate the stigma.

Dear Karen…I see you.


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