Eight is Great

If you’ve followed NE360Fitness for a while you know that I love Birthdays.  Even a company birthday! Each year of being in business is another reason to celebrate a birthday and a chance for me to look back at what’s been accomplished over the past year.  Birthdays are fun but business updates aren’t my favorite thing to blog about.  So I’ll mix in some belated birthday fun with a little update for you all…and a reminder to check out the brand, new NE360Fitness.com!

I’ll start by saying that I was really excited for the 8th Birthday of NE360Fitness this past May…on the 8th to be exact.  Eight is my favorite number after all.  But there was a lot going on personally at that time and truth be told, I didn’t feel much like celebrating anything.  Not even the 8th Birthday on the 8th of May.

With that said, I’ve been able to reflect over the last few months about what’s really important to me personally and as a professional.  I am beyond lucky to do what I love every single day.  Hard times suck.  Trudging through what my family has gone through the last few months could have been even worse if I didn’t like my job or the people I work with.  Technically, I’m a solopreneur, but my clients are beyond amazing and were so supportive during this difficult time. And instead of focusing all of my energy on the hard, difficult stuff, I do want to shed light on the many positives that arose over the last year. New clients, the new website (I think I mentioned), and new software for delivering programs.

They say you need social media to run a successful business.  But what’s really “social” about it anymore, when “pay to play” is the rule of the game?  At NE360Fitness I pride myself on building relationships with people and earning trust.  That’s not something that can come from websites like Facebook or Instagram.  The transition from year 7 into year 8 for NE360Fitness came with a lot more clarity, a brand new website, and the decision to take a break from social media.  I do check in from time to time but only from a desktop computer.  These distractions are no longer in my pocket silently tugging at my attention everywhere I go.  I haven’t eliminated it all together (my coaching clients know how I feel about “elimination”), but I’ve simply set some boundaries that I’m comfortable staying within.

So far, I don’t miss it one bit.  My interactions with people have true meaning behind them, not just a “like” or a “love.”  Sure, I’ll post some blog links here and there but I encourage you to sign up for my newsletter, which will be returning to email inboxes in the near future.

Each year, I reflect back and realize how grateful I am to be able to do what I do.  I try to thank everyone who has supported me from when NE360Fitness was just an idea, to now…8 years of being in business!  My small business relies on word of mouth and reviews.  Supporting NE360Fitness doesn’t mean you have to buy something, but reading the information I put out, and sharing what I do with others is extremely helpful.   Your support is appreciated more than you know.  So please stay tuned, check out the new website, read the updated blog, sign up for the newsletter….and please, have a healthy and fun summer!

Thank you for allowing me to share and for all your support.  

xo, Karen K.


Dear Karen - Happy Birthday


Injury Prevention