Inside Look: 2023 Coaching Program

There is so much excitement for our 2023 online group coaching program that we wanted to give you an inside look at what's included!

This is a 6-month program delivered online with limited spaces available. Due to the nature of the coaching program, we have to limit spaces so we can focus on the guidance and support we offer to each individual client in the program.

Here's how it works:

We begin with an orientation week on Saturday, January 7th. You will get access to all of our online coaching tools and resources so that you have time to look around and get a feel for the online portal before we get into lessons, actions, and coaching.

Our official start is on Saturday, January 14th.

Lessons are delivered via the online portal and a new one drops every Saturday. See below for the topics we cover in the first 10 weeks. All lessons include either a video, printable resources, or both!

Take as much time as you need to go through the lesson(s) and allow yourself the time to apply the key concepts to your lifestyle and goals. Questions? Ask your coach!

On Monday, you're getting a motivational email that coincides with the weekly lesson.

Accountability is something many people want from a coaching program and you'll get that with our mobile app! Each weekly lesson is accompanied by a daily action to build skills that support YOUR healthy goals. YOU get to control the notifications you receive (via email, sms text, or both) and when you want to receive them. Daily reminders are available and we highly recommend using them to check in and see what's working best for you.

This is also where exclusive content lives as well as the ability to measure tangible progress like weight, girth measurements, and progress photos. Don't worry, you and your coach are the only ones who can see these and it's your choice what and how often you'd like to measure.

In the portal you will have a weekly check-in to help assess what's working, what might require some more practice, and any other insights you learn while in the program.

You also have access to our online community to share your successes, challenges, and virtual high-fives with others in the coaching program.

Our Monthly Group Coaching Call is one of the best parts of the program because we get to talk live! Each month we schedule a 1-hour call via zoom to ask any questions you want or share anything from your journey. If you can't make the live call, it will be recorded and shared in the online portal so you can catch up on everything and follow up with your own questions or comments via email.

We are here WITH you the entire time. You have access to your coach for questions or concerns via email, the online portal, or the mobile app when needed. We keep group sizes small so we can help you address anything that comes up. And if we notice you haven't checked in, we'll be reaching out!

This is comprehensive coaching that covers fitness, nutrition, stress management, and sleep. Workouts are included but there is a big emphasis on nutrition in this program because learning how to eat right on an individual basis is where most people get confused and frustrated.

Our online coaching will help with that once and for all!

Here is an example of the subject matter we will practice during the first 10 weeks of this coaching program:

Week #1 - Foundations of sustainable health

Week #2 - Learning how to eat intuitively

Week #3 - Eat better on a continuum

Week #4 - Movement

Week #5 - Creating and maintaining minimums

Week #6 - Stress Management

Week #7 - Get enough sleep

Week #8 - Eat to satisfied

Week #9 - Core strength

Week #10 - How to make protein work for you

*Lessons and topics subject to change without notice due to seasonality or client feedback.

For more information and our framework of coaching, please check out this informational video:

Ready to get started? Book a FREE call to answer any questions and register for what will be an amazing year!

We offer special pricing for small groups. If you are in a leadership position and want to offer group coaching JUST for your employees, we have limited availability for groups starting at only 5 people, and no more than 20. Book a discovery call today to learn more.


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